How to Join FBC Fitzhugh

We would love for you to join our family here at FBC Fitzhugh.  If you have a desire to join our church, please feel free to speak to our pastor about your decision. You are encouraged to come forward at the end of each service during the “Invitation Time.”  You will be greeted by our Pastor or one of our other leaders who will be happy to guide you in your decision. You may also make an appointment to speak to one of our ministers or just stop by during our office hours to visit about your decision.  


You may join our church in one of the following ways:


By Baptism— This means that you have professed Jesus Christ as your Savior but have never been scripturally baptized and you would like to do that now. 

By Letter— If you are a member from another Baptist Church of like faith, you may join our church by transferring your membership to us. We will take care of contacting the church and requesting your membership be moved to this church.

By Statement— This is for any individual who has been saved and baptized by immersion after being saved, but is not a member of another church or was once a member of another church but records are not available.


In joining First Baptist Church of Fitzhugh, you are saying that you agree with this local body in their teaching, doctrine and purpose to advance the Kingdom of God and carry out the Great Commission.